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About "Dear Little Brown Girl"

Chloe never imagined that her dreams would take her around the world! On her journey, Chloe meets influential and trailblazing women who are the first female President of their country. Chloe learns the history, language, and culture of each country.


During Chloe's magical journey, she discovers one country that never had a female president.  These extraordinary and groundbreaking role models inspire Chloe to make a difference in the world and they will inspire your little girl to dream big, too! 

Chris never thought a typical school field trip to the African American  museum would change his life forever! Chris's curiosity of the "brown door" at the museum ushers him back in time! On his journey, Chris meets influential men who made history in the fields of education, science,  sports,  and aviation. 


During his magical adventure, Chris learns the lesson of knowing your past so you can change the future. 


Join Chris on this enchanting journey  to see what he learns!

About "Dear Little Brown Boy"


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